Tuesday, August 1, 2017

#rpgaday2017 What published RPG do you wish you were playing?

#rpgaday2017 What published RPG do you wish you were playing?

Let's go with ... Legacy.

I'm reading the second edition now, and really enjoying it. I adore the idea of families, and of having first options that are not violence. And of knowing where you fit in the world, and being able to see how to make it better.

It counts as published if the kickstarter is ongoing, right?


  1. I mean the first edition's published, so I'll allow it :P

  2. As I'm reading through an extended play example -- around page 83 or so -- I'm delighted and how you've made each character useful, given them in-system (and therefore in-fiction) reasons and means to cooperate, and made it an adventure game without the adventure really being about hack and slashing.

  3. James Iles, Now I kinda want to hack this to do the spaceship hack I've been thinking about. This is different from Aaron Griffin's.

  4. Oh yeah - that's sitting on my bookshelf unplayed, looking at me, right next to Polaris.
