Tuesday, August 22, 2017

#RPGaday2017 day 22

#RPGaday2017 day 22
What RPG is easiest for you to run?

Fiasco is super easy to facilitate. And to facilitate well.

Due to practice, pbta is pretty easy for me. Not sure if I do it well, but I do it.

These are very different, so lemme explain.

Fiaso is all collaboration and building off each other's answers. It's figuring out that there's a live triangle at the table, by way of romance: weird family relationship and romance: fuckbuddies. It's knowing that there's a half a million dollars in a grocery bag, or just that you need to get revenge. It's figuring these things out together, then scenes developing on each. There's equality and sameness across the players, in a meaningful sense.

pbta is different but totally the same. It's all collaboration and building off the answers. It's following them around and seeing what happens, and the MC having a really weird role. There's no such thing as balance, and every playbook (save one) is a goddamn trap designed for certain sorts of players.

And I love both.

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