Friday, August 18, 2017

Printing character sheets, especially for Apocalypse World.

Printing character sheets, especially for Apocalypse World.

I print double sided, at the office. I'll budget a couple of minutes to find and print out sheets.

Currently, if I print out the AW 2nd edition sheets naively (here:, then I wind up with the back half of the angel on the front half of the battlebabe, etc.

That is, I get useless sheets. The last four come out fine, as there's an odd number of MC pages between the two sets of character sheets.

The new Dungeon World playbooks do this too, but it is easier to fix: just don't print the first page.

But, for the AW2nd edition sheets, I either print the first dozen playbooks wrong, or I print the last four wrong.

I'm open to ideas and suggestions.


  1. If you know someone who has access to Adobe Creative Cloud (ahem) they can edit that PDF to create a version that only has the playbooks. May take a minute, but it's a long-term solution.

  2. Adobe should let you pick the pages to print, so just print 6-29, 39-46? I mean, if you are just looking for the playbooks and not the other stuff there.

    Or am I missing a nuance of your question?

  3. Not sure if this helps, but what I would likely do is print 1-5, 30-38 single-sided, then print 6-29, 39-46 double-sided?.

  4. Yeah, I can print just the pages I want. That requires knowing what pages I want, which is a whole different level of knowledge than I bring when I'm just printing a file.

    Justin, I'd totally take you up on that. Basically, the 4 latter playbooks needs to be moved before the MC stuff and a blank sheet put in before the first playbook. Then it all works, I think.

  5. This had been a problem for me since these sheets came out. I'd arrive at game, only to realize that my sheets were all on backwards. It was frustrating, and involved a lot of looking through sheets. Last night, I played a driver on two sheets.

    Justin Rude just solved the problem with Technology.

  6. Really no problem. When I said up there that it would take a minute, that was almost literally true.

  7. I basically have this complaint with pretty much all playbooks for all games. Anything that is meant to be double sided always gets messed up and I end up having to go in and tweak everything.

    Here is what I wish character sheet creators would do: create a screen version, a non-double-sided print version, and a double-sided print version - all planned and already manipulated for default printer settings. (ie the things on the back are already upsidedown - I don't want to have to remember to tweak long-edge/short-edge).

    One top of that I'd love for things (like Fiasco playsets) to have versions that were "booklets" - (ie like playbooks) - I do this myself using lots of arcane unix stuff. It's a pain in my ass, but I get something super handy that I can pass around to everyone.
