Wednesday, August 9, 2017

My brain is refusing to concentrate, so: tell me about awesome games.


  1. Planarch Codex is great. I'm going to be GMing it tomorrow. I love how it handles different fantasy species/monsters as different cultures (rather than murderable loot chests), and it has my favorite language/communication rules of any game ever.

  2. Just read Promethean, and thought that was pretty great. Only negative is that it is sort of weighed down by the clunky World of Darkness rules.

  3. I've been enjoying reading through 13th Age and a bunch of it's supplements and would very much like to actually play it.

    Far more rules and exceptions to rules and character classes and options and spells that I would usually bother with, but all the special attacks and spells and powers sound really fun and they are all grouped by class so no-one needs to look far for the information they need.

    And then all that intricate balanced uber-D&D is offset with some lovely narrative rules to keep the story relevant and flowing between adventures and encounters.

  4. The Black Hack is a super simple OSR game that I will be running for you in the near(tm) future. Every roll is player facing and it uses advantages and disadvantages to make things super simple.

  5. When is this happening, Josh Mannon?

  6. As soon as we can make it happen.

  7. Then, honestly, probably nerdly.

    I have no idea if I'll pitch anything this year. I figure I get a pass, but I probably have things I want to play.

  8. I don't know what that is, probably Roll20 or Hangouts.
