Wednesday, August 30, 2017

I'm looking for ... suggestions? advice?

I'm looking for ... suggestions? advice?

Something like that.

Here's a scenario.
Analyst: With data set 1, I can accomplish task A. Data set 1 is free, or, rather, we already have a subscription so I can piggy back. With data set 2, I can accomplish task B & C. With both, I can accomplish task D. The data costs around 200k/year to get everything you need.
VP: You get data set 1, and no budget for data.
Analyst: ok, here's task A.
VP: I wanted you to do D. Where is it?
Analyst: ... please see prior documentation. This is impossible without data set 2.
VP: Analyst hasn't done it.
Analyst: ...

What goes into those dots?

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

My new hobby: Reporting awful posts as hatespeech and blocking the user. Recommended!

My dear internet

My dear internet,

How do we uncouple your ability to consumer from your position in a hierarchy?

[ Please note: It seems fairly obvious that capitalism is hierarchical, and the wealth we extract from it has to do with our place in that feudal state, and not with any economic output. ]

"Bro, do you even lift?"

"Bro, do you even lift?"

Which is to say: My dear internet, do you do upper body exercises? If so, what are they?

For a while, my running was a near full bodied exercise and included core muscles and abs, and arms to pump. That was great. The indoor bike I've been using for the past few months has very little, if anything, to do with anything above the waist.

So: What's a boy to do? Start running again, so I can do the annual 5k this year?

I believe in incentives.

I believe in incentives.

For the past couple of months, I've had an incentive mechanism going. These work whereby if I don't lose weight, an evil economist (a friend who happens to be an economist), will cash a check to an evil organization.

This time around, I went with an organization that I viewed as a lot less evil, and gave myself a lot more time. Those were both relatively bad ideas, as for the first month or so, I gained weight.

A week ago, I started taking my current bet seriously. I decided I wanted to win by mid-September, and I made a strong mental connection between the organization (the washington area football team) and white supremacy.

In the last week, I'm down 4.1 pounds. I've got 3.7 pounds to go. Well, a tenth more to be under the target number. If I stay at this pace, I'll be done by September 3rd. That's 12 days before the mid-september goal.

I cannot recommend this diet highly enough.

Feel free to ask questions.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Space ships!

Space ships!

Spaceship RPG, but with a twist. Instead of a spaceship, you're running a lighthouse in space. It's also a refuel / reupply depot, so there's plenty of reason for people to stop for a chat.

Something smaller than DS9, but bigger than a lighthouse.

Friday, August 25, 2017

I ask, gentle reader: What happened to us to make us believe that needing fewer jobs is a bad thing?

I ask, gentle reader: What happened to us to make us believe that needing fewer jobs is a bad thing?

[ Hint: it's probably capitalism. ]

I'm hungry. I just ate and I'm hungry.

I'm hungry. I just ate and I'm hungry.

I hate dieting. Or, no, that's not quite right. I loath the subjective experience of dieting while I am doing it, and quite enjoy the results.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

RPGaDAY2017 - Day 25

RPGaDAY2017 - Day 25

"What is the best way to thank you GM?"

Engage. Be present. Bring something for the group. From time to time, host. If it sounds like fun, offer to run the next game.

You know, be a contributing member to the community.

The world I envision: Amazon WholeFoods (AMF).

The world I envision: Amazon WholeFoods (AMF).

AMF will kill the supermarket. Let's be very clear about that. The supermarket as we know it is dead.

That's the obvious. That happens in the next five years. Walmart teams up with Google, TJ's either finds its own internet star or goes alone. Who knows.

I live four blocks from a WFM. It's an easy walk. I figure within 6 months, I'll be able to get whole foods products delivered on a particular day, and extra for within-the-hour delivery. A variety of amazon products will be deliverable this way, and all WF products will be purchaseable on Amazon.

The variety of foods in the store will shrink, as Amazon will target only the most profitable. Prices will go down by 10-20% within the first few months.

Whole Foods typically have a restaurant sort of thing. This will expand, largely as other things disappear from the shelves. If you want something not on the shelf, there will be kiosks to order it.

With WF products available on Amazon, the notion of a food desert must change to one where Amazon cannot deliver.

Within ten years (dang it, this is taking too long), the delivery will be by self-driving car.

That's about as far as I can see. What can you see that I miss?



24. Share a PWYW publisher who should be charging more.

Preface: I spend money on RPGs, and on content creators on patreon. I back kickstarters.

I don't really understand the RPG industry as an industry. There are a few megastars (D&D) that can generate an income for a few professionals and represent a rounding error of the company (Hasbro) it is owned by. But, the indie stuff --- the vast majority of what I play -- I do not understanding generating a sufficient per hourly revenue stream to justify itself.

I'm looking at Fiasco / AW / Fate / OSR stuff. The economics have never really made sense, and maybe someone can explain it. I reckon to do something for economic reasons, it needs to be what, $30 an hour pose expenses?

Maybe that sounds high, but I figure: taxes are higher, insecurity is pretty high, and the requisite skills are pretty high. By definition, we're talking about people who have office skills -- as in, can write, maybe draw, have a creative vision.

I've no idea how long it takes someone proficient to crank out a cool-ass game. I reckon creating the game is only the first step, as there's playtesting, con going, maybe social media, etc. Even if these are free, they are all time.

The upside is made even harder by the same problem any professionalization of a hobby as -- amateurs. Why spend hundreds of dollars for D&D (or even, Traveller Mongoose books) when I can spend $10 on an OSR hack? Why spend $10 on a fate hack (or a pbta hack) when the community is small enough that I have friends who will write them for me?

And, sure, sure, there's quality and time issues -- but I am exactly the target demographic to spend more money to better enjoy my game time. And while I'll support content being created by people who I dig, it's at least partially to magnify those voices.

tl;dr - I don't believe in the RPG "industry".

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

#RPGADay #RPGaDay2017 #Hashtag #Feminism

#RPGADay #RPGaDay2017 #Hashtag #Feminism

Which RPG has the most jaw-dropping layout?


They rate games on tears., give all the required supplies up front and visible, as well as the number of players. While a lot of this is standard form for board games (2-5, 12+, 45-60 minutes), this user-friendly design is altogether too often ignored in RPGs.

It's a game designed to be played, not just read. And it's gorgeous.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

What to do once we win the 700+ million dollar powerball jackpot?

#RPGaday2017 day 22

#RPGaday2017 day 22
What RPG is easiest for you to run?

Fiasco is super easy to facilitate. And to facilitate well.

Due to practice, pbta is pretty easy for me. Not sure if I do it well, but I do it.

These are very different, so lemme explain.

Fiaso is all collaboration and building off each other's answers. It's figuring out that there's a live triangle at the table, by way of romance: weird family relationship and romance: fuckbuddies. It's knowing that there's a half a million dollars in a grocery bag, or just that you need to get revenge. It's figuring these things out together, then scenes developing on each. There's equality and sameness across the players, in a meaningful sense.

pbta is different but totally the same. It's all collaboration and building off the answers. It's following them around and seeing what happens, and the MC having a really weird role. There's no such thing as balance, and every playbook (save one) is a goddamn trap designed for certain sorts of players.

And I love both.

Monday, August 21, 2017

The totality was much more impressive that I expected. Ama.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Printing character sheets, especially for Apocalypse World.

Printing character sheets, especially for Apocalypse World.

I print double sided, at the office. I'll budget a couple of minutes to find and print out sheets.

Currently, if I print out the AW 2nd edition sheets naively (here:, then I wind up with the back half of the angel on the front half of the battlebabe, etc.

That is, I get useless sheets. The last four come out fine, as there's an odd number of MC pages between the two sets of character sheets.

The new Dungeon World playbooks do this too, but it is easier to fix: just don't print the first page.

But, for the AW2nd edition sheets, I either print the first dozen playbooks wrong, or I print the last four wrong.

I'm open to ideas and suggestions.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

I ran Impulse Drive last night. This is a pbta hack by Adrian Thoen.

I ran Impulse Drive last night. This is a pbta hack by Adrian Thoen.

Overall: I enjoyed it! This worked for us, and we had an admittedly fairly silly time. Which is what we needed.

We used the quick start characters, and decided to be on a pirate ship. Their ship was the skull of a space whale -- the last of the space whales! Their reputation was as xenocides, that they destroy the last of dying species.

What they actually were was scientists. They had The Intellect, The Alien, and The Tempest, and went around looking for strange new life so The Intellect could write papers about it. They just happened to show up as something terrible was happening to that life.

They weren't bad, they just had that reputation.

They wind up kidnapping / babysitting a newborn member of a space race -- whose parents are hundreds of kilometers long and made of mostly hydrogen, but it is able to fit on their ship and alters the gravity onboard. They bring it to a station, and it starts to cause havoc.

On The System: I really want a trade ship as an option. The Free Trader from Traveller, the merchant ships of Solar Clipper series, the ship before the Roci. I want that as an option.

The foibles were great, but it wasn't clear where you would or would not use them. If I ran this again, I might just XP to be "when you accept disadvantage from one of your foibles, mark xp". That is, have XP be instead of on a failure, when you lean into your human faults. Some example foibles would also be great.

The hooks are great, but I don't know how these plug into the system. They aren't used to help/hinder, so I dunno.

Also, calling XP advances was confusing AF.

I want there to be more social moves, maybe one about making a fair trade rather than manipulation. But, then, I've wanted this move for a while.

This is real close to what I want.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Also: Don't deadname people.

Also: Don't deadname people.

Use the preferred pronouns and names that folks want.
We don't get to decide how important names and pronouns are to others.

... Do my gaming rules now need to specifically say "don't be a nazi" ?

... Do my gaming rules now need to specifically say "don't be a nazi" ?


I get to introduce new people to Fiasco next week.

I get to introduce new people to Fiasco next week.

This, of course, makes me ridiculously happy. Fiasco has a very special place in my heart.

It's been a while since I've introduced new people, especially folks more accustomed to trad games (whatever that means).

Any suggestions?

trump: both sides are bad

Originally shared by Rod Mesa (Motorod)

trump: both sides are bad

schwarzenegger: I'm slinging 100,000 clams to a charity named after a nazi hunter

Tuesday, August 15, 2017


Originally shared by Ed Christian



Which RPG do you enjoy adapting the most?

Diaspora? Nah. I play that mostly as is.

Based on actions, it's clearly AW. I wish it was Fiasco, but I've not cracked that nut yet.

I've got several unpublished and probably bad pbta hacks. We've had some great sessions, maybe three or four session mini campaigns. At this point, I'm pretty sure that my hacking makes things worse, but it for sure helps me better understand.

And it's fun, which is the key thing.

Doxxing is bad.

Doxxing is bad.

Captioning photographs taken in public, and used by the Associated Press?

That's journalism.

This has been a PSA on the difference on doxxing and journalism.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Liberated from a private share or five.

Liberated from a private share or five.

“What’s happening in Charlottesville is because of us, white folks. It’s because we haven’t been accountable. It’s because we haven’t collected our own people. It’s because we haven’t faced our history and our complacency in this system. People are dying and I’m not standing for it anymore. Not in my name. Racism must be called out, named and abolished. White supremacy must be denounced. Nazis must be stopped.”

Sunday, August 13, 2017



Describe a game experience that changed how you play.

While there are a few watershed moments, I'd rather engage with this as my rules of play:
-- The game is a conversation. As such, make decisions that direct the conversation where you find interesting. This includes choosing games -- a game centered around a grocery bags filled with a half a million dollars is probably pretty interesting.

-- The people are more important than the game. As such, have an x-card and proactively watch other's behaviors. We should look out for each other, as it is sometimes easier to see others reactions than your own.

-- Bring it. If you're the MC, facilitate. If you're playing, play hard and know what you emotionally need out of the experience. Bring food or drink to share. Like any social engagement, the quality is dependent on participation and thoughtfulness.

Dear friends

Dear friends,

Are you ok?
What have you done to make the world safer for your neighbors?

I'm not OK, though I know I will be in time. The death of Heather Heyer in C-ville has hit me harder than expected. I'll be OK, in a while.

Are you ok?

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Here's a list of traitors: Robert E.

Here's a list of traitors: Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis, Stonewall Jackson, J.E.B. Stuart, Nathan Bedford Forrest, James Longstreet, Braxton Bragg, George Pickett, Bloody Bill Anderson, Albert Sidney Johnston, John Mosby, P.G.T. Beauregard, A.P. Hill, Richard Ewell, Joseph Johnston, Jubal Early, Kirby Smith, John Bell Hood, Barnard Bee, Lewis Armistead, Porter Alexander.

It's weird. Some people in my adopted state seem to think they were "patriots", "generals", or one may even be called a "President". Nope.

Traitors & Terrorists all.

I find it weird that, between here and the Pentagon, the highway is named after one of these traitors. At a guess, that's so the actual American generals in the pentagon know who the enemy is, but I'm never sure if that's what they were thinking in Richmond.

Friday, August 11, 2017



Which 'dead game' would you like to see reborn?

Traveller, because I seem to be writing my own and wouldn't it be easier to have a modern version instead.
Why am I trying to extract the data from a 400+ MB tableau file to csv?

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Premise: The potential for genius on the order of Einstein or Hopper are, if not uniformly distributed through the...

Premise: The potential for genius on the order of Einstein or Hopper are, if not uniformly distributed through the population, are at least not confined to a particular economic or gender or racial strata.

Premise: A single genius on that order is worth economically, oh, everything. Approximately.

Lemma: Feeding, clothing, and educating everyone is worth, economically, approximately everything.

Don't get me wrong. There's also a very good moral argument for feeding, clothing, and educating everyone. This does not preclude that.



10. Where do you go for RPG reviews?

Combination of word of mouth (Misha B), games showing up in person (Charles King, George Austin, Rachael Storey), and five questions with Brie Sheldon.

I know we talked about this months ago, but as a refresher.

I know we talked about this months ago, but as a refresher. I've tried to use a glib tone, but let me be clear: This is the most serious weapon systems in the history of the world, and the continued survival of human life rests on Donald Trump not saying specific words to the Joint Chiefs.

Who can authorize a nuclear strike?
The President. Only the President.

What's it take for the President to authorize a nuclear strike?
While the mechanics of this are fascinating, the core is: Tell the joint chiefs to launch. There's actually a little more to it than that, but that's essentially true.

What happens if the joint chiefs refuse?
That's a coup. It'd be bad. And if Trump has already used Twitter to announce a strike? That'd be worse.

What happens if the guys in the bunkers refuse?
They get shot, and someone else does it.

How many people might die?
I cannot give a glib answer to this. The United States nuclear stockpile is (still) sufficient to wipe out all human life from the planet, and most life larger than, say, a rabbit.

Is it lawful for the President to launch nukes?
Yep, and then he has 30 days to inform congress.

Can anyone else launch nukes?
Nope. We decided this was inherently a political decision, and move it to the President.

What's the nuclear triad?
-- The ICBM's in bunkers, capable of wiping out the world a couple times over.
-- The H-bombs on bombers, ready to be airbone. These used to be constantly airborne, but no longer. Taken together, these can destroy entire countries.
-- The MIRVd H-bombs on the subs. These are usually smaller, and are capable of destroying cities, and taking out most hardened targets.

Why do we maintain a triad?
To have "second strike" capability, such that in the event of being attacked we can destroy whoever did it. This was a deterrent for decades. It is madness.

Why are there floppies in the bunkers?
1) It works. Changing a system that controls world-ending nuclear weapons is not done quickly.
2) Hacking a floppy-drive powered system is hard.

Edit: Apparently we no longer have constantly airborne nuclear warheads. Good.

Q: Did I just win the Powerball?

Q: Did I just win the Powerball?
A: Not even a little. My tickets are worthless, which is assuredly what I would have predicted.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Owner's Share

Owner's Share

Diurnia Space - 2 Jan 2374

"Cap, we need to talk. The cabin?", Ms Maloney asked.

I shrugged. When I closed the door, we sat and I asked, "Is this about your impending departure?

"It's a little more serious than that, Captain. I inherited a few days ago, and immediately bought out the four shares of your company. You own 5 shares, DST owns 4. I spent 50 million for the four, and want to buy one of yours for another 50 million."

I gapped, "Christine, what?"

"Because of you, Ishmael. You took a ship sold for scrap, and turned it into a luxury liner. You turned around the Agamemnon, and saved the Tinker. I want you on the Board of DST, and to be Senior Captain in charge of special projects."

I sipped my coffee, "I can't possibly decide this now."

"Of course not. Talk to your lawyers -"

"No, no. I need to talk to my partner." I buzzed Engineering, "Chief Gerheart? Please join me in the cabin. Ms Maloney has a business proposition for us."
My brain is refusing to concentrate, so: tell me about awesome games.

#RPGaDay #RPGaDay2017

#RPGaDay #RPGaDay2017

What is a good RPG to play for about 10 sessions?

Some games I've lately enjoyed for about that number of sessions:
Urban Shadows
Worlds In Peril
Space wurm versus Moonicurn

I've got stories from each of thos. Ask, and I shall answer.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

What happens if this is the only basic move related to violence?

What happens if this is the only basic move related to violence?

When you stand in defense of someone, roll +Hard. On a 10+, choose 3. On a 7-9, just 2:
-- The violence ends, and you prevent anyone else from getting hurt.
-- The violence ends, and you don't get hurt.
-- The violence ends, and you can say what happens next.

#RPGaDay day 8: What's a good RPG for 2 hours or less?

#RPGaDay day 8: What's a good RPG for 2 hours or less?

There's a couple that spring to mind.

1. 3-handed Fiasco, though it may be a little tight.
2. The King Is Dead, which seems designed for such a slot.
3. Dream Askew, though it'll be hard to get into that slot.

Monday, August 7, 2017

I played an RPG with strangers yesterday!

I played an RPG with strangers yesterday!

Justin Rude and friends. It was a delight. Everybody was a delight.

We played Barbarians of Lemuria with stakes set using Levi Kornelsen's cards. Justin ran, and it was him, two of his gaming friends, and me as newcomer.

Beer! Everyone brought a good six pack.

Responsible adults! The only adulting I did was reflexive and totally unnecessary!

I realize as I type it that this sounds completely normal, like just a bunch of guys handing out, drinking beer, and talking about stabbing monsters.

Still. It was easy and hit the spot. A delight.

What was your most impactful RPG session? #RPGaDAY2017

What was your most impactful RPG session? #RPGaDAY2017

Was it the time Ted Cabeen saved roleplaying (for me) by facilitating Fiasco at a wedding?

Or, was it the time Jason Morningstar ran The Tribunal at Camp Nerdly, handing me Mouse and opening a world of larps?

Or, was it Keeping the Candles Lit with, oh my, Mo Jave, Anna Kreider, and Patty Kirsch, facilitated by James Stuart at Dreamation?

The first had a range of emotion and plot -- that is, it was alternatively happy and sad, with a plot that made some semblance of sense. The second ... I was probably not OK in, and wound up not sleeping. My affect changed dramatically during that game, as I became someone who could not affect her world. The last ... I'm not sure I've ever cried that much, and for sure not around near strangers. It's about the darkest of subjects: jewish women in WW2 on the run from the nazis, doing what they must.

It's got to be one of those, but I cannot tell from here which one had a largest impact. They are measured on altogether too different scopes.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

There's a ~20% chance I'll be running Fallen Empires in 6 hours.

There's a ~20% chance I'll be running Fallen Empires in 6 hours.

There's no MC move sheet!

Any suggestions?

#RPGaday2017 Day 6: You can game every day for a week. Describe what you’d do!

#RPGaday2017 Day 6: You can game every day for a week. Describe what you’d do!

Dreamation for a full week?

Pretty sure I'd die by the end of it. The schedule I often give myself there is rough, and fine for a few days, but not for a full week.

Near enough to right now as for me not to know the difference is Just A Little Loving, the weeklong larp about the HIV crisis in the 80s. And being super awesome.

Anyway, I know myself. If I'm doing 3 slots a day for 7 days, I'll get bored or break or need a break.

Owner's Share

Owner's Share

"Ish, how would you like to own your own ship." Mr Maloney asked over dinner, a delightful affair at the top of the orbital. Kurt had a table with other bodyguards, and Mr Maloney and I had a secluded table. All the tables were secluded. I had just bit into the amuse-bouche, and silently cursed my boss for distracting me.

"Sir?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"Once the Chernyakova clears, you'll be a wealthy man. We're not sure how wealthy, as it'll depend on the auction. DST is bidding, of course. I'll trade your share for a ship, on two conditions."

"A ship?" I stared into the soup, wafting the aroma, not sure what my boss was talking about. I needed a moment, and processed by savoring the first bite of the popcorn butter soup. It really was delicious. I wondered if I could serve something like it aboard ship.

After a moment when my head had calmed down, I asked, "My shares in exchange for a ship and two conditions, sir. Let's start with the ship."

"With the crewers we're about to lose, I can finally consolidate the fleet. I've got a 9,500t ship to sell. At that size, she can run with just a Captain and an Engineer, so long as there are no passengers. The ship is in rough shape, but I'll let you take Gerheart."

I felt my face turn red at the mention of my Chief Engineer. I paused, as if considering but really because I couldn't talk. "And the conditions?"

He needed. "Good, I have your attention. Number one, I'll own 10%. Not DST, but me personally. The rest is yours, and this lets me provide advice without a conflict."

I nodded. That made sense, and having someone who could help me learn the ropes would make the transition easier. "And the other condition?"

"Hire my daughter. Train her as a spacer. Get her up to full share."

Saturday, August 5, 2017

*On our stolen space ship ... *

*On our stolen space ship ... *

We absolutely need someone on watch 24/7. To watch the front door.

What else do we need? How many people?

Friday, August 4, 2017

Day 4: What RPG have you played most since 2016?

Day 4: What RPG have you played most since 2016?

This is actually a reasonably hard question. The answer is, probably, Urban Shadows.

I've got a near weekly game of it, that we've been doing for most of 2017. My open gaming Thursdays also sometimes sees US, though less in-depth and usually one-shots or three shots. There may also be an online game of it, though I'm not yet in a scene so who knows.

Urban Shadows, is pbta urban fantasy. You play as vampires, fae, mages, and regular people aware of the supernatural and having to deal with it. It's much more political than a regular pbta game, setting the machinations of The City up.

In the big near weekly game, I was playing an Oracle Nun named Sister Maria Olivia. She was eaten by the vampie, while their mutual friend the werewolf watched in horror, unable to do anything. We're still dealing with the fallout from that, and now I'm playing a pawn store owner and dealer in the arcane who is iun way over his head.

It's a pretty fantastic game. Won an Ennie and everything.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Code words

Code words

"Cosmopolitan", "Coastal Elite", "Liberal"

They mean "Jewish". It's a code word for antisemitism.

Note: I am not jewish. If anyone who is would like to tell me I'm wrong, please do so!

#RPGaDay Day 3: How do you find out about new games?

#RPGaDay Day 3: How do you find out about new games?

Three ways:
1. Cons. I'm doing two cons a year, Dreamation and Camp Nerdly. Between those two, I pick up some neat stuff to bring back home.

2. Game nights. I've got a weekly open essentially one-shot group and, when it works well, folks bring cool games I've never heard of.

3. The obvious: G+.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Possible moves for a game that has no name.

Possible moves for a game that has no name. This game takes place on a far future commercial spaceship that takes weeks to go between star systems.

There's a crew! In my head, this is a dozen plus the PCs, but that may change. I may well wind up with, you know, playbooks, that alter the size of the crew. But for now, basic moves.

When you research a person, roll with Sharp. On a 10+, ask 3. On a 7-9, ask 2. On a 6-, ask 1 and they learn about you. Questions:
-- What do they most need?
-- What is holding them back from greatness?
-- How do I get them to _______?
-- What is their greatest strength?

When you negotiate a fair deal, roll +Cool. On a 10+, choose 3. On a 7-9, choose 2. On a 6-, choose 1:
-- Everyone agrees the deal is fair. Gain +1 forward to your next dealing with them.
-- They sweeten the pot, and you gain +1 kilocredit.
-- You bring back something for the ship, increase a surplus by one.
-- You do not attract unwanted attention.

When you gaze into the stars, tell the MC your quandary and roll +Void. On a 10+, your introspection yields clear results: take +1 forward. On a 7-9, the visions are muddled, scary, indistinct.

When you use your social standing to help someone else, roll +Standing. On a 10+, choose two. On a 7-9, just 1, and you are exposed:
-- If they were rolling, you increase their roll by a success tier.
-- You gain +1 Camaraderie with them.
-- The tale spreads through the ship, and you can take one surplus, or erase one need.

When you stand in defense of someone, roll +Hard. On a 10+, choose 3. On a 7-9, just 2:
-- The violence ends, and you prevent anyone else from getting hurt.
-- The violence ends, and you don't get hurt.
-- The violence ends, and you can say what happens next.

When you bring a problem to a expert, they know how to solve it. Roll +Camaraderie. On a 10+, choose 3. On a 7-9, choose 2:
-- You take +1 camaraderie with them.
-- They get +1 camaraderie with you.
-- They solve it personally.
-- They explain it to you. Mark XP.

Camaraderie: I'll probably rename this, as this is what The Watch calls their Hx mechanic. Similarly, it goes 0 to 3. Instead of spending it, you use it to ask people for help.

Surplus & Needs: Blatantly stolen from Legacy. The ship is going to have things it has a lot of, and things it needs. I think hard moves will activate the missing things.

Kilocredits: Like barter. 1 kilocredits can buy: a fancy night in the above decks for one, a night in the below decks for the crew, a fancy set of civvies, shipsuits and phones for a small crew, any normal piece of equipment.

#RPGADay2017 What game I wish was published?

#RPGADay2017 What game I wish was published?

A combination of my two things: Monsterhearts and IN SPACE.

Which means: The Long Orbit by Rachel E.S. Walton.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

#rpgaday2017 What published RPG do you wish you were playing?

#rpgaday2017 What published RPG do you wish you were playing?

Let's go with ... Legacy.

I'm reading the second edition now, and really enjoying it. I adore the idea of families, and of having first options that are not violence. And of knowing where you fit in the world, and being able to see how to make it better.

It counts as published if the kickstarter is ongoing, right?

Over the last week, at least five of you have sent me this:

Over the last week, at least five of you have sent me this:

This was a good introduction to game theory, and I'm glad so many people both enjoyed it and thought of me.

Most of this was covered by Axelrod's experiments in the 70s. Which, if you haven't read? You really should. There are some fantastic moments as folks try to experiment with different strategies.

The mistake option in this is interested, but just as interesting is you cannot always tell if someone is actually cooperating or defecting -- that is, the real world is nuanced, and often what appears as a PD is not.

For one thing, to really be a PD you need simultaneous decision making. If I can have information about your action before it affects me, then this isn't really a PD. While a lot of the results still apply, it's a different formalism.

In any event, the PD game also ignores such notions as ought. This game makes that error in the very beginning, where it asks what you ought to do: cheat or cooperate. And, well, by one perspective you ought to cooperate because to do otherwise is immoral/bad/wrong.

That doesn't mean it is in your interest! Self-interest and ought are unrelated. (mostly).

Ignoring that difference is one we do to our own peril. These games are really designed for when morality is off the table and irrelevant -- such as the cold war.

Anyway, game was fun. Ask if you've got questions, and I'll try to either answer or -- more likely -- direct to research.