Friday, July 21, 2017

The Table

The Table

Remind me to never, ever try to run AW for six people again. Especially not if I'm at one end of the table. Dang do I need to be in the middle of everyone.

And dang players matter. So. much.


  1. Were your Traveller players not quite as down with the idea of team-work this week?

  2. Yeah... For the most part I find I can run well for 4, okay for 5, and six is right out.

  3. More complicated than not being down.

    First, sheer numbers: With six, it's harder to get everyone in the same scene. And there's less spotlight time per player.

    Two, player skill and framing matters. Without a player familiar with the source material currently in my head, things didn't go so smooth.

    Third, player ... kid gloves? Something like that. While last week, I had two people who've written hacks and one person who knows to RTFM (and this may be his best skill), this week ... I was peppered with questions that were answered on the page in front of them.

    Fourth, I think the materials were overcomplicated. I've got ideas for how to fix that, at least.

  4. Shane Liebling Yeah! How do you feel about 3?
