Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Sir Victor Brown here survived four terms in the Scouts. He's pretty great to be left alone in a ship.

Sir Victor Brown here survived four terms in the Scouts. He's pretty great to be left alone in a ship.

And oh look, the Scouts gave him a ship when he left. Isn't that nice.

I imagine there's a 40 year mortgage? And that the 70 thousand credits he has are irrelevant compared to the mortgage?

Scout Sir Victor Brown A4683B Age 34
4 terms Cr70,000

Skills: Air/Raft-1, Electronics-1, Jack-o-T-1, Mechanical-1, Navigation-2, Pilot-1

Benefits: Scout Ship

Service History:
Attempted to enlist in Scouts.
Enlistment accepted.
Voluntarily reenlisted for second term.
Voluntarily reenlisted for third term.
Voluntarily reenlisted for fourth term.
Chose not to reenlist after fourth term.


  1. Typically there wasn't for scouts I always used them as scout reservists ... govt still owns your ship and you can do what you want usually but sometimes they need you to get stuff done. And there are Lots of hoops to jump through to leave a sector. Since many ex scout couriers are used for mail runs (data and high value cargo) they expect you to be basically sticking to a few routes .

  2. Huh. So, a different sort of obligation.

  3. All your repairs come out of your pocket too.

  4. They call it "detached duty." You get a scout ship and permission to use it; you check in at Scout bases and debrief, pick up fuel, and maybe get a mission or two from the local base commander running errands or delivering messages on the QT.

  5. I'd read about that on the wiki, Bill White.

    I've got a crazy attempt at pbta traveller character generation. Would either of you be interested in looking through?

    It's here: - Traveller, pbta

    Comments very much welcome.
