Sunday, May 7, 2017

Pretty sure I bruised my heel last time I went on a run.

Pretty sure I bruised my heel last time I went on a run. Because, and let's be clear here, my running form is for shit. And it was a course harder than others I'd done.

Either that, or I spontaneously developed diabetes and the pain my my heel is a symptom. The timing of that seems unlikely, so I'm assuming it is an injury.

What's the proper treatment? Wait a week, then run again?


  1. It depends on the kind of pain. It could be a bruise most likely its planar fasciitis

    Did you roll it, or just develop pain through repetitive foot strikes? Do you strike the heal dramatically or in an over exaggerated way?

    Are your shoes old?

    Can you walk w/o pain?

    Does the pain go away when you take anti inflammatories?

    The link has some treatment options, try and rest your foot for a few days and baby it a little when you start running again. - Plantar Fasciitis-Topic Overview

  2. If it hurts when you step on it in the morning, it might be plantar fasciitis (SP?). There are simple stretching exercises that help that. One includes rolling a rugby ball, another stretching your feet (pointing foot down as if a ballerina on their toes, then up) while still lying in bed. Probably worth a trip to the doctor just to be sure.

  3. This is exactly what I needed, thanks.

    I noticed it a few hours after a hard 5k, while out and about and walking in my sandals.

    My running shoes have less than 500 miles on them, so still in decent shape.

    For the first or two, walking was painful. I took it easy and took ibuprofen, which definitely lessened it.

    I probably shouldn't run while this still hurts, right?

  4. Probably should take a day or two off yes
