Wednesday, May 17, 2017

How I see deep space nine.

How I see deep space nine.

Season 1: Episode 3. Garrack is asked by Klingons to buy some intelligence in gold pressed latinum.

He fiddles with his pad for a moment, shows them the value and they shout of how this is terrible. An offense. They start to walk out.

He pulls them back, saying we can negotiate.

And as I'm watching it, I'm like: Yeah, they choose a currency which you have a shitty conversion rate to. Of course negotiation is possible, and if they want Cardassian currency it'll work better.

Alas, the show didn't quite do that.


  1. How I see almost every time that Garak offends someone and must make amends: "How much does he profit, later in the episode, by being in a position where he's clearly not calling the shots?"

  2. well sure. I am also immensely amused by the idea that Garrak gains effectiveness over the seasons due to converting currency shrewdly.

  3. I certainly wouldn't put it past him.

  4. Is there anything you'd put past him?

  5. Giving a straight answer to a simple question?

  6. Accepting anything at face value? ;)
