Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Oh, the 2nd amendment. What problems it has caused.

Oh, the 2nd amendment. What problems it has caused.

Riddle me this, for I know not the answer: Why, if it was designed for well-regulated militias only, was Alexander Hamilton shot by Aaron Burr?

Burr was VP, Hamilton was out of power. Right?

I'll forgive the VP having access to weapons, but was Hamilton in some militia that I am not aware of?

Source: Got Milk?

This will probably be solved when I read Justice Steven's book on how we should amend the constitution. I'm pretty sure he knows what he's talking about.


  1. The duel was illegal, the pistols had to be smuggled to the dueling site, and Burr was prosecuted for murder (Hamilton, for obvious reasons, was not prosecuted for attempted murder).

  2. Justice Steven's book is certainly interesting and informative, but if you are educated about the history of the second amendment or supreme court history I suspect you will find that chapter doesn't give you much new to go on.

  3. Isaac Kuo Prosecuting the VP for murder. What a fantastic time the early 1800s were.

    Sean Leventhal I read an excerpt, where he suggested adding six words. And yeah, those six words would definitely make it more obvious.
