Monday, June 20, 2016

Jason Morningstar was talking (plussing?) about Apocalypse World set now, instead of in the future.

Jason Morningstar was talking (plussing?) about Apocalypse World set now, instead of in the future.

In that vein, here's a barely masked front.
Landscape: The Den of inequity
Instinct: To remove what you hold most worthy

The Den provides food, shelter, and booze. The food is crap, and you'll gain weight trying to eat enough nutrients. The shelter pretends to security through false locks and ensuring the air is poisonois. The booze, though, the booze is perfect -- it'll get you drunk enough to not notice your precious things are being taken one by one.
Moves: Display wealth for all to see, present a guardian, disgorge wealth, Take Away what you love.

I'd fill the front out with grotesques that crave satiety, Brutes that consume and victimize, and an affliction to cause sacrifice. Maybe a Warlord in charge of it all, but it is almost better if there's no head, no person to shoot. Just encroaching horror that slowly sucks away all that makes life worthwhile.

... I spent last week in a casino. How obvious is it that I did not like it?

1 comment:

  1. it'll get you drunk enough to not notice your precious things are being taken one by one.
