Monday, June 27, 2016

June 27: 225.5, down 1.9 pounds from starting weight of 227.4 in two days.

June 27: 225.5, down 1.9 pounds from starting weight of 227.4 in two days.

I've been less hungry since starting this, probably because every bite isn't just "I'll be fat", but, instead, is also "I'll have to see the Catholic church every time I go for a walk."

So far, so good. That's admittedly a ridiculous slope so far, but I'm sure it'll even out. I've had big changes from a day to day basis in the past, so I'm not incredibly surprised or worried. If this continues for a week at that rate, then I'll be concerned.


  1. This is probably obvious, but ... don't let the self-binding pressure lead you into unhealthy habits. I know from experience that the feeling of getting your weight under control can be a little giddying ("Look, I have an element in my life that I control, just like a grown-up!", I thought), and moving that needle can be addictive.

    So here's maybe the less obvious thing: Water is the thing that enters and leaves the body most quickly. Water has both mass and weight. If you find yourself feeling light-headedly proud of having lost a large amount of weight in a short amount of time, take a little moment's sanity check and ask "Are my lips dry? Like, cracking level dry? Does my throat hurt? Are my eyes feeling tight? Do I, maybe, need to drink a half-liter of water right now along with some electrolytes to aid in absorption, and the weight be damned"?

    Cautions having been issued, let me say "Go you!" Looks like a sane goal, picked at just the right time of year. I love getting out for exercise when the sun is shining, it makes it feel like so much less of a chore. Best of luck!

  2. Tony Lower-Basch All of that is precisely right.

    I know the first couple of days won't be indicative of the future. I even know that the pain of writing the check will fade. I hope the possible future pain of the check being cashed will be a healthy motivation.

  3. We do, Rocio Goodey ! First two days (sat and sun), we spent some time in the pool. There are those studies about brown fat on the back of the neck. I don't know if that's true, but the pool does seem to help.

  4. No clue, but last year when I needed to exercise and couldn't do the elliptical machine anymore, I started doing laps in the pool. We bought these luxurious swim noodles and I used them to work out in the deep end. It helped a lot. I used getting acclimated to the pool as part of the workout.
