Tuesday, May 17, 2016



With Jason Morningstar's blessing, I'm going to try to build a relationship map. It'll be property of Jason when i finish it, to use as he sees fit.

If you played and have thoughts, write 'em here.

I'm looking for a few things:
1. First and foremost, if you played a character and think there should be a preexisting relationship to someone else, TELL ME HERE.
2. If you thought there should be some relationship out there not related to your own character, give me those, too!
3. If you think the game should be structured a bit different, here's where you tell me.
4. Rules? What rules? should there be rules?

I'll try to incorporate. Ideally, please leave your first comment before responding, so we can get your unedited views. You can always change them later, but knowing what you think before you see a crapload of comments will be helpful, I think.


  1. Maybe it's just because I was playing against Ira, but it would have been perfect if the leader of the Kerg terror. . .I mean freedom fighters was the Grand Kerek's estranged son whose violent politics he very much disagreed with. That's kind of how Ira and I played it anyway.

  2. Also, the President, please give that egomaniac an illicit relationship with someone else in the game that explicitly butts heads with his own goals.

  3. Oh, how about an introduction? Both times when I've seen The President, the player has introduced themselves as "The President of the planet", which is pretty nice.

  4. Here's what I'm thinking:
    Exarch --
    Bio: Introduce yourself as the religious leader of Sirai. Arpani is the dominant religion, to fail to observe that is tyranny.

    Grand Kerek: Heathen. But, at least he's not a modernist.
    President: A natural ally, you and the President have worked together before. Together, you can unite the Arpani with the CDU.
    Lucek: How many Arpani has Lucek murdered? You know you cannot trust this terrorist fuckwit.

    Got your own set, Cinnamon Bunny ? Charles King ?

  5. Yeah. Lemme get my ass caffienated and read the rest of the player docs. Can you link me to them?

  6. I like the idea, and I also like idea of introductions (protocol and intentionally violating is a good way to play off of each-other), but I want to be careful about how much we color each character. I played a rational and sly President, but I don't want to preclude someone else being boisterous, intransigent, and going all Louis XIV "I am the State!" if that's the way they want to roll.

    That said I think if we recognize that what your character thinks of another character does not have to be at all related to what they think of themselves there's a lot of space to establish some good tension.

    I know that Jason Morningstar has said that the limit of content on the character sheets has been reached, but I do think that one or two of the paragraphs that's part of the briefing at the begining can be eliminated to make space for the relationships.

  7. The Dreamation crew seemed a lot more overwhelmed than you guys. I don't really know why.

    All players in both were fantastic. There wasn't a lot of overlap -- just me! -- but I had seen it go down once before. The Dreamation run through was the first one.

    Maybe that goes back to the nature of games as being transmitted through play. The Dreamation run was the first time ever, so even Jason Morningstar hadn't seen it go down before. I think there's something to transmission through play.

  8. If you want to add think about the equal amount of text you will cut.

  9. Is there a reason we can't cut the recap of the original premise as presented in the intro? I found that totally unhelpful.

  10. I'm open to anything. It's there for a reason, though.
