Friday, June 16, 2017

Last night, in Apocalypse World:

Last night, in Apocalypse World:

... The hardhholder totally abandoned his hold to take his gang out to negotiate with a warfleet
... the battlebabe, on a jet ski, evaded damage and involvement, while making enemy ships shoot at each other
... the gunlugger took on a large gang, and set up a sniper nest to control the situation
... the Faceless found a shoulder mounted artillery gun that fires through ships
... the chopper, on a PT boat, boarded a freighter and stole a new boat.
... and the news, oh the news, made everything complicated and gave us Johny Dollar, the man with the action packed expense account, playing on every radio.

Would you like to know more? Which character did I play?


  1. Oh, and the MC was all: Battlebabe, make a check out the sitch roll. And BB was all "Absolutely not. I'm not paying that sort of attention. But, did I just enter a charged sitch?"
    MC: Yes ...
    BB, smiles and does something terrible.

  2. Though, to be fair, first time AW MC... so the "call for a roll" thing is an understandable mis-step.

  3. Oh, legit. Nate did a real good job.

  4. I think I'm going to keep playing the faceless until I can top that first time. If that's at all possible.

  5. Edward Hickcox: Want to see your Faceless do some Intimacy Moves, build up relationships.

  6. I can't believe I missed that! But yes, tell me more and I'm logically guessing that you were the News.

  7. I was not, Lauren McManamon, but a completely reasonable guess. Especially given how we met.

  8. Tony Lower-Basch Edward Hickcox Buddha played a faceless at a Housecon/Longcon in Baltimore and was apparantly whipping off that mask and making relationships all day.
