Tuesday, June 13, 2017

I'm putting together a project dependency chart. This is not a thing I normally do!

I'm putting together a project dependency chart. This is not a thing I normally do!

There are three options: data source is needed and we have it, data source is needed and we don't have it, data source is not needed.

Clearly, we have it is green. Maybe a green dot.

What should the others be? Red for missing, black for unneeded?


  1. Grey, not black. Black draws attention.

  2. And while color blindness isn't a thing for the audience, having dots versus triangles versus something else makes sense - multiple encoding.

  3. And a second sheet describing the data sources.

  4. Be careful if using red and green to differentiate things, due to the prevalence of red/green colorblindness. If you do use it, try to find a way to double code the information, like also using different shapes as well as colors, or having a bright green vs. a dark red, etc.

  5. Green check marks, red X's. greyed out "N" for stuff that isn't needed for a deliverable. Seems to be working.
