Friday, December 23, 2016

Some relatively dorky spaceship math, tangentially related to Solar Wind & Sale.

Some relatively dorky spaceship math, tangentially related to Solar Wind & Sale.

The Traveller Free Trader (200t) has listed dimensions of 37.5m by 21m by 9m, and 3 decks. On the floor plan, each square is 1.5 meters by 1.5 meters. For reasons of ease of use, I'm using the Free Trader's deck plans, but calling the squares 2 meters by 2 meters.

Which indicates 50m by 28m by 12m. I'm keeping three decks, and assume there's a magical 3-4 meters of machines.

That indicates ~1,400 square meters per deck, over two full decks and one half deck -- so 3,500 square meters to work with.

With 18 crew and 4 officers, how much space do you allocate to:
-- Mutual space, such as a galley? Medbay? Gym? Bridge? Access ports? Flight Deck? Arms locker? Comms? Cargo Hold? Gangway? Lounge? Server farm? Airlocks? Engine room? Meditation chamber? Brig? VR chamber?
-- Sleeping quarters?
-- There are 6 sailors, 5 boarders, 4 traders, and 3 seers. Do you allocate space per person, or per department?
-- There are 4 officers. How much private space does each get?
-- Each PC has a special area, things like a Workshop, an Establishment, and a Balcony. How much space do these each need?
-- How much of a social difference do you give between crew and officer?

These are questions asked implicitly in the game, in the first session, when I have them draw these areas on the ship. Its printed out and in front of them, and they are told to start drawing.

What do you draw? How do you allocate the space?