Sunday, December 25, 2016

Solar Wind & Sail.

Solar Wind & Sail.

Each playbook is linked to another one, literally on opposite sides of paper. The PCs get one or the other, but never both.

So, for ex, you can have either a Mechanic or a Surgeon. Not both. This enforces limitation of competency.

Each pair is tied to a stat. I did have Void linked to the Navigator and Master of the House, but I think I've had a bit of a moment. Instead, haul in the Brainer and link that to void with the Navigator. That gives two ways to think about the void -- between our ears, or out in the abyss.

Push the Master of the House (Guinan / Quark / etc) to a fifth sheet, and don't let the be a ship's officer. On the opposite side have the shipboard Intelligence. Only have this one if the other four are already filled -- meaning 5 PCs, and one MC at the table.

Which is a big table, and multiple conversational threads start happening. Push responsibility to manage conversation to the fifth slot, baked right into the moves. Give the Master of the House the ability to have away from table conversations, and give the Shipboard Intelligence a move about being in multiple conversations at once.

Build it into the moves, "When you pull someone aside for a conversation away from the MC ... ", "When you join two simultaneous conversations ... ". I need to work on the triggers, but that's the idea.

I also want to hand the contact list to some PC, but I'm not sure which one. Eventually, I'd like to get rid of the MC altogether. I'm getting closer.

Thoughts? Ideas? Questions?


  1. I like the conversation-managing moves a lot. That's something I'll think about in other contexts.

  2. I thought you might, Tony Lower-Basch .

  3. Note: I also figured out how to do elections better. Each PC has proxy votes as well as their own. One has the sailors, one has the boarders, one has the traders, one has the seers. As there's a different number in each group, each player character than has a differently weighted vote.

  4. I like the flippy playbook concept a lot, and the conversation management tools.

  5. Gretchen S. The first works pretty well! Last time, our mechanic decided he was also the surgeon. Mind you, he had no particular skill in this, just took on the position. The character was actually worse at this than some others would have been!

    The conversation management is as of yet untested, and was a new idea this weekend. I am hopeful it'll work.

  6. I'm really keen on the double playbooks and I'm glad they're working well; thank you for posting these publicly as this ideas come together. I like the Void within/without as a pairing, although how will the socially disruptive brainer equal the utility of the navigator? It was easier to see the hard choice between The Navigator who gets us places and the Master of the House who makes living on this ship palatable. What does the Brainer do to keep the void within restrained that will equal the appeal of being able to safely find a target? Psychic contentedness for the crew? Mind controlling ships you find? Group bonuses for the psychic linking?

    I love the idea of having the ship and Master as a choice. Do you want a super-intelligent ship that will help take care of itself and your cold, dispassionate needs? Or would you rather a helpful ear to the ground, who helps you take care of your desires and vices?

    If you have the Master of the House as a conversation manager, they do take on a lot of MC power. They're focusing spotlights around and determining audiences. It might highlight intragroup conflicts or factionalize them, although the power/scarcity dynamics might reign in the potential for divisiveness. If you remove the MC entirely at this point, would you split the group into parts that cease working with one another? Is there a way to connect all the conversations into a central "reality" that everyone returns to when no one is having a side conversation? Regardless, this is a fascinating idea to addresses the fundamental spotlight sharing issue.

  7. John Dornberger I think the brainer appeals to a certain sort of player, right? The sort who wants to manipulate characters, both player and non. They'll manipulate not only the crew, but also anyone they find. They'll also be in charge of the seers, which is cool.

    Agreed getting everyone back together is essential. That's probably "Battle Stations", or some such, where there is an external thread that has to be dealt with.

    Hm. I wonder if the Ship / MotH could even call for die rolls away from the MC, and only involve the MC on a 6-. That's possible.
