Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Novel: The Spider's War

Novel: The Spider's War
Author: Daniel Abraham
Rating: 4 of 5
Genre: Epic Fantasy

Short synopsis: The fifth book (of 5) in the Coin and Dagger series. I read this series over the last six months, finishing the first end of June. I adore Abraham's writing, though this is not his best. That'd be the Long Price Quartet.

I literally cannot say more without a spoiler.

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--OK, spoilers--

I was really pleased with a lot in this book, which pulled out of the fire some of my concerns in the previous volumes.

For example, I was worried that Cithrin's creation of fiat currency would be for nought. Instead, at the very end we not only see war reparations in fiat currency, but the beginning of a currency exchange.

I was concerned that the Spiders would win. I admit it, I didn't see a way out. Getting Geder back on the "good" side was about the only way out, and I'm glad he thought his noble sacrifice was big deal and everyone else is like "Its the job".

Along with that, I was glad that not all war is placed at their feet -- just a particularly pernicious sort of war.

DRAGONS. Inys the Dragon is what they are supposed to be: greater than human, with an ego to match.

Glad our man Marcus got to take out the chief spider priest, too. He carried around that damn sword for long enough. The King refusing to treat the kidnapped children as hostages was excellent.

Could have used more currency manipulation, and fewer swords.

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