Thursday, December 29, 2016

Projects from 2016:

Projects from 2016:
-- Started slow and unsure of myself, with some light hacking of Star Wars World

-- Hacked up The Watch to make Markets & Mages, my economic RPG on after the adventure. I'm really pleased with how well this has gone. The characters sheets are available for anyone who wants them.

-- Written up and talked a lot about The Caliphate of Azithan, the fantasy realm of necromancers. I've designed city master plans (sort of), thought about various types of undead, and had a lot of fun thinking about a government run by priests.

-- In the last month or so, I've gone through a few versions of Solar Wind & Sale, my game of space piracy. Initial playtests went well, but I have no idea how much of that was my enthusiasm and how much is the game system. I've put in some weird elements, and am slowly disintegrating the need for an MC.

-- Acted as mentor, both knowing and unknowingly, to folks wanting to play and MC more games.

-- I played a lot more games than these! One shots of AW, MH, Headspace, Night Witches, and Star Wars. We're almost done with a full run of SpaceWyrm, which is a sequel campaign to a World in Peril campaign that I'm really proud of, and we did Microscope to bridge between!

What've you done, gaming wise, in 2016? Did we collaborate on anything that I didn't list above?


  1. Looks like most of it was in 2015, but yeah, we for sure did some in 2016, Robert Bohl ! Good call.
