Monday, December 26, 2016

30 Rock, season 4, Episode 2.

30 Rock, season 4, Episode 2.

Jack references Zac S as someone Malina Obama knows.

Tell me this is not the Zac S of gaming infamy.

Please. Jesus Christ, please.


  1. Heh. I have no idea, though the number of otherwise decent people that seem to know and like him astounds me.

  2. Upon sober reflection, this is (probably) just 30 rock putting together internet buzzwords into a nonsensical hodge podge. That makes the most sense.

  3. One can be interpersonally pleasant IRL and a total monster online. (Of course, to me, that suggests that person is a monster who can restrain himself for limited periods in person.)

    But from what I've heard he's an empty suit of a person, in person. All surface, all desperation to be noticed. Just like his pathetic online persona.

  4. While I don't disagree with any particular, Robert Bohl , I don't want to go down that particular rabbit hole today.

    Because either I agree and lose energy by talking negatively about a person, or I disagree and defend someone I don't wish to defend, and lose energy that way. Either way, I lose.

    So, let's not do it.

  5. My apologies, if you feel that's due.

  6. Not at all, Rob. I unthinkingly invited it, and I appreciate the understanding.
