Sunday, December 2, 2018

Which of you are using Blue Apron?

Which of you are using Blue Apron?

We've let ours lapse -- for years -- and want to restart for the winter. Under my name, so it's like a completely new customer.

If you are on it, let's chat so we can both get the referral bonus.


  1. I'm curious to hear about your previous experiences.

  2. In general, it gives us a relatively expensive-per-hour entertainment option instead of television that also means we don't go to the grocery store and spend less time with TV.

    So: It is great for winter and bad other times.

  3. I find your description amusing. We are currently doing Hello Fresh though i have very mixed feelings about it

  4. We used it differently. We subscribed to both homechef and blue apron for a while, and they were instrumental in teaching me to cook — as opposed to “I know a couple dishes I can make.”

    And now we have a binder of recipes we’ve tried before, with notes and a list of who likes it and who doesn’t.

    It makes meal planning much easier.

  5. As someone who has enjoyed cooking since college and can plan ahead at the grocery store, I have been dubious of Blue Apron etc. But I understand and like Jesse Cox 's use.

    William Nichols did you do all your home cooked food through blue apron, or were you still going to the store every week?
