Wednesday, December 12, 2018

This conversation absolutely reminds me of customer support calls

This conversation absolutely reminds me of customer support calls

User: My iPhone tells my granddaughter that I'm a nazi.
Google customer support: We do not make the iPhone.
Nazi: It might have been an Android.
Support Supervisor: What application was operating?
Nazi fuck: One of those kids games!
Google CEO: We need to know the application and phone before we can investigate what happened.
Technophobic Nazi: My GRANDDAUGHTER saw on her PHONE that I'm a NAZI
Google: Have you considered not being a Nazi?


  1. The final line of your hypothetical dialogue was said pretty close to verbatim to Steve King later on in the same hearing:

    "Later in the hearing, Rep. Ted Lieu (D-California) told the Iowa congressman that if he wanted "positive search results, do positive things." King has repeatedly found himself in hot water over his insensitive racial comments." - Democrats erupt into laughter after Google CEO has to explain to Rep. Steve King that the 'iPhone is made by a different company'

  2. That conversation is every customer support call of any kind.

  3. Enh. Customer service calls aren't a thin excuse to push a bullshit conspiracy theory for political gain.

  4. I'd rather do tech support for a hundred grandparents at once than be represented by King.

  5. It's interesting to see these guys struggling with what is essentially just public opinion. Having money and privilege insulates you from uncomfortable personal interactions (one might argue that's the entire point). Now, the world is up to its eyeballs in the raw opinions of a billion people, and they're having trouble buying their way out of what it's saying about them.
