Saturday, January 6, 2018

You guys, Get Rich Slowly is back.

You guys, Get Rich Slowly is back.


  1. Oh man ... all that advice makes me wince.

  2. Tell me why advice from a web-made millionaire makes you wince?

  3. Past experience with doing this wrong has primed me to wince any time somebody gives advice of the type "Do X, and you can get result Y!", when that connection is contingent upon variables beyond the actors control.

    So stuff like "Just be yourself, and somebody will love you for who you are," and “If you can do without extravagances, you can save regularly" read with a wince-inducing flavor of "If this isn't true of you, I have actively chosen to ignore the fact that you exist ... go away, please, and do not confront me on that point."

  4. Yeah.

    JD's advice was real helpful for me in, say, 2006 - 2008. End of grad school and into business world. I needed that advice then, and it fit my life pretty well.

    Admittedly, it is good for a relatively small subset of people. Still, it is good for that subset. And I liked his voice.

    Don't know if I still will, but that JD got his website back is pretty neat. I hope he managed to retain enough dollar dollar bills.

  5. Yeah, I did get the sense that there was some creator-drama, and I'm certainly always thrilled to see creators get the platforms they worked to develop back under their control.

  6. I mean, he sold it for a cool million. I find it hard to feel bad for him.

  7. I always look askance at any advice about getting rich that doesn't have "Be lucky" in one of the first things mentioned... but I haven't looked at this, so I don't really know if this falls in to that category or not.

  8. GRS was a godsend when I was younger. My parents didn't do much financial teaching, so I found this site really helpful when I had a big credit load to pay down. Which I did. I never felt talked down to and I felt that it had good advice for taking me from a hand to mouth existence to one where I have an emergency fund and great credit.

  9. Tony Lower-Basch​ I saw this tweet and it reminded me of this thread : - April Spectrum on Twitter
