Wednesday, January 31, 2018

These are the voyages of the Dauntless

These are the voyages of the Dauntless

Today, in our ongoing campaign of Jay Treat's Stranger Gravity:

... On ship, the Counselor who is a sentient cloud, Ferengi Diplomat, and Holographic Preacher are at the bar, discussing how good it is to have the XO off the ship. The Diplomat and the XO have been sleeping together, and he (Diplomat) feels he has to walk on eggshelves due to the volatile nature of our XO ..

.... On the planet, the XO was sent on an away mission to a planet of sports fanatics. Our intrepid XO first tries to befriend a fan of another team by offerieng a drink after it is suggested the obvious think is to disown family if they like the wrong team.

... Meanwhile, back on ship, the Engineer tells the Captain he wants to reconjigger the engines to get another 20% out of them, and we'll just need to turn off all primary ships functions especially thrust while he does it. The Captain agrees.

... Our XO, meanwhile, is in a drunk tank talking about team membership. We discover your team has to bail you out.

... The Diplomat sits on a sofa talking to the Counselor, who mirrors the position of anyone he talks to. They talk about the XO, and what the Diplomat means by walking on eggshells. They talk about the difficulty of relationships.

... The XO is offered a way out of the drunk tank: become a free agent. Her fanatic card is out of date, and she's offered a position -- a way to use the script of any Team and buy stuff from all of them. It's call the black market.

... The Captain, on the bridge, has a real conversation with his friend the diplomat about why the Captain can't talk to anyone about his problems.

... The XO frantically tries to call the ship with the subdermal comms implanted in her wrist when she came to this planet. The Diplomat hears "and they don't have money", and comes straight away.

... The Engineer and Diplomat argue about why on earth they shut the ship down. The Captain tells them to send a shuttle. The Diplomat leads the away mission.

... The XO and the free agents talk about what it means to exist in this world. It means dedication to a single sports team and, if your team loses badly enough, death. If they win well enough, life?

... The Engineer fixes the engines, with the assistance of the Counselor who almost gets the Engineer to really open up.

... The XO meets up with superfans during a game, and we all notice that as the team gets close to victory the fans are full of life-energy. As they get further away, the superfans literally lose life. They slump over. The XO tries to make a deal of being a free agent with one, but isn't so good at making deals.

... The Diplomat gets to the planet, and has no difficulty at all navigating the streets and finding where the XO must be. He negotiates past bouncers.

.. The XO tries to explain basic concepts of the free market to the black marketers, who are now sequestered. One of them falls into a coma at the idea of no one believing in you.

... The Diplomat, witha superfan in tow, enters where the XO is. They converse. The XO does an about 180, and convinces the Diplomat that it is a bad idea to teach these people free market economics.

... Meanwhile, onboard ship, the ship's systems are fixed and operations.

... The XO, using some pretty unsophisticated leadership skills ("They don't have space flight. Therefore, what applies?" "pr--pp" "That's right, the prime directive. It's wrong to teach them about money")

... Everybody goes home. We kinda won?


  1. I adored the Diplomat's delivery on "Therefore what applies?" "The pp..." "That's right, the prime directive." He really did not want to admit to knowing that.

  2. Those two are going to get into some serious trouble pretty soon.

  3. I'm actually hoping that we preface that with the opposite. I'd love to see the crew's distinctive skills, perspective, and personalities be the only thing that rescues a situation from disaster. Before we plunge further into the character weaknesses, I'd like us to establish that we see their strengths.

  4. Sure, and I think we saw our Diplomat be good at his job.

  5. I worry that got overshadowed by the whole "You would willingly ignore the Prime Directive, and therefore are a menace" angle. I'm imagining a story where the Diplomat's greed is exactly what we need.

  6. Maybe, or maybe we saw that together they are better than alone.
