Sunday, December 31, 2017

Preface: 2017 was a shitshow.

Preface: 2017 was a shitshow. Fascism is on the rise, the world is on fire, and we may remember it was the year the world ended.

But, for me? It was pretty great. Here's my 2017:
-- Marches, petitioning my government for a redress of grievances, and helping to enable others to do the same.
-- Gave away more money than ever before
-- Work has gone fantastically well
-- Went to four cons. Two local, plus Dreamation and Epiphany
-- Played life-changing games
-- A couple of fantastic vacations
-- Saw Hamilton
-- Met people I treasure

For 2018, I hope to:
-- Help elect more democrats
-- Give away money. The ACLU, Give Directly, and a few individuals. No, not you.
-- Mentor and build out the nascent BI group
-- Save for retirement, build my EF, pay down debt.
-- Play more games
-- Watch less TV
-- Run Camp Nerdly
-- Be a better friend
-- Have a memorable vacation

To reiterate: 2017 may have ended liberal democracies on earth. This post isn't about that. This post is about my own 2017.

How was yours?