Sunday, December 3, 2017

The Orville is more star trek than, say, Enterprise ever was.

The Orville is more star trek than, say, Enterprise ever was.



  1. Sorry saw the first 3 episodes and bailed. The characters came across as a parody of Star Trek to me and lacked any real depth to me. The situations were not believable... less so than Enterprise...

  2. By which I mean: the show is distinctly sillier than anything from Star Trek. The characters are more flawed, their aren't the best of the fleet, and the situations are intentionally more absurd. It's a workplace comedy in space.

  3. The level of edginess in The Orville is similar to that of TOS in its day.

  4. The crew quarters are gigantic. Everybody has a bedroom and a sitting room and a hallway. wtf.

  5. I've heard this before, in relation to Discovery in particular, and it may be true but it doesn't necessarily make me want to watch it... then again, I don't know that I'd really want to sit through original series star trek either...

    it really comes down to what you view as making something "Star Treky", I guess. And what your tolerance for Seth McFarland jokes is...

  6. I'm enjoying it. I like the fact they are trying to hit real world issues, like TOS.

  7. I can't stand TOS; I'm forcing my way through it slowly. But I love most other Trek, and The Orville is quite excellent. It's TNG with the humor and drama dials flipped.

    The only thing that annoys me is the constant fucking pop culture references. It's hundreds of years later—I guarantee you Dora the Explorer will not be in the zeitgeist.

  8. Better that than constant Shakespeare and Sherlock references, I say, Robert Bohl

  9. Those have at least stood the test of time to some degree, but, they did do too much of them.

  10. I never got into TOS. My Trek is DS9 with occasional TNG.
