Thursday, December 14, 2017

I am Toby, and I am a mage.

I am Toby, and I am a mage.

At least, I think that's the best descriptor. A few years back, I became aware of something -- the multiverse I have drawn and written about since I was seven isn't just in my mind. It's real.

In college, I figured out how to go there -- and how to take other people with me. The Caralleen multiverse, I always called it. And the first person to show me there was more in the world? That there is more than this crude matter? Caralee

Now, I can -- with some difficulty and danger -- take myself and others to these worlds when we play games. When we play Carcassone especially, we wind up in France or the a city of the Caralleen multiverse. There are many -- some fantastical, some almost like our world, some futuristic -- and I love them all. I know them all.

Admittedly, there are other powers besides travel. I can sense the underlying magical power of a place, sometimes can even distort it. Time bends to my will, and I can open into other people's minds.

But, games? Games are the binding agent. It is through games and games alone that I can open and understand the multiverse.

I've been sojourning for the better part of a year, searching. Both for Caralee, who lost herself in a midevil town somewhence, and simply because travel is the greatest journey.

Now, I'm heading back to your world -- to texas -- to join other mages. There's a group of seekers, who are almost ready to awaken. I know many of those journeying forth, but not all. I hope to learn and help -- of course! -- but also, a Node like that may be powerful enough to finally find Caralee.

Wish me luck.


  1. Fascinating. See you soon, fellow traveler. You are among friends. -Jay

  2. Phew, sorry I couldn't chat last night. File this under "another flight I almost missed...but didn't!" (Spoiler alert, it's every flight. Except the ones I actually miss, of course.)

    Travel and time - two spheres I must admit being completely poweless over.'s a good thing I have you!


  3. This was so great. I'm glad you two were there!
