Friday, March 3, 2017

Imma gonna submit Spent and Back Again: or, How Adventurers Pay The Rent to the civic games contest.

Imma gonna submit Spent and Back Again: or, How Adventurers Pay The Rent to the civic games contest.

I don't contribute to a lot of game contests, and dunno.

I've got things down to 10 pages, hooray. That's four playbooks.

Here's a question, though: Should the playbooks be more pregenned than regular apocalypse world playbooks?

So, for ex, as is for the fighter, you choose:
-- Race, Gender, History (these matter)
-- look, skin, face
-- 2 moves
-- Assign values to a weapon and other assets
-- describe someone you know, and assign bonds
-- describe a bar you visit, and assign credits

Should I assign some of these in a pregen fashion? Like, "Here's the bar, you've got two credit there. Everybody knows your name"

Or ... not? I dunno.


  1. I kinda love the idea of a starting framework: a place or person you know, what cash or credit you have where, a problem that's come up while you were away ( the crack in the wall got bigger, the cat had kittens, the family plow horse needs new shoes, weeds have overtaken the vegetable garden, the neighbors took down your clothesline, the well ran dry)

  2. Heck yeah, Meguey Baker !

    As is, I've got the problems all MC-facing and all related to aspects of poverty -- maybe there's hunger or disease, or encroaching gang violence, or ... ! Those are some delightfully homey problems you've got there, I may have to steal one or two.

    Another thing, is I'm keeping cash to a minimum and privileging it in the system. That is, cash is a better asset that most others -- it can be used to convince people to do what you want without threatening violence, while swords and crap mean threats of violence.

    Which is completely intentional! The PCs have standard fantasy-adventurer powers and capabilities, and are socially incompetent.

  3. wowzer, I already had cat problems. Cool. I'd somehow not added anything about the structure of where they live, so cracks in the foundation it is!
