Monday, March 27, 2017

Dear friends

Dear friends,

How have you made the world safer for your neighbors this week?

I've sent in some postcards on Gorsuch, celebrated keeping the ACA, written my members of congress on this and other issues.

There's a local county board debate coming up to, which I should be able to attend. In a couple weeks, there's a taxes march downtown that I should get to.

I continue to refer to the traitor in the oval as precisely that, and I don't know if that is a good act or not. I just don't know anymore. I do like to think we're about to see the end of an american presidency through legal action.

Love to you and yours! He will not divide us.


  1. I'm working on getting a nuisance dumpster on our block taken care of. There are 2 large apartment buildings across the street from me, and they share a dumpster which is always overflowing. Albuquerque is windy AF (in the spring we have 25-30 mph winds almost daily, no joke), so in addition to just being disgusting, it also creates a trash problem for all of us neighbors. I've filed complaints over and over, and am following up with the city inspector today, for the last time before I start taking it to the city council.

    Also, there's a chance that Hulu will move it's call center to 'Burque, so I'm also looking for people to bug about that. There's a gigantic office buil;ding downtown, right next to where I work, that I would love to let Hulu (or anyone) use rent-free. 200 more jobs downtown would be HUGE.

  2. Do you control that building, Derrick Sanders?

  3. Kudos Derrick and William! Me too, an everyday battle for Democracy is on my agenda! Thank you fellow Freedom Fighters!William Nichols Derrick Sanders

  4. William Nichols Not at all! It is owned by the city at this point.
