Friday, September 1, 2017

Bret Gillan

Bret Gillan

Some video games I enjoy:
-- Endless Sky, a free (!), open source space trading and combat game.
-- Master of Orion 2: A redonkulously old 4x game that I adore to this day.
-- Carcassone on my phone: To make the AI challenging, I misplace my first meeple.
-- Rebuild 3: An after the zombies game of rebuilding cities.

These are the sorts of video game I play! I'm thinking about getting into the vault game becauwe I do adore the fallout.


  1. I need to give Endless Sky another go!

  2. MoO2 remains to this day a formative experience for me.

  3. I am still pretty sure, Nathan Hoobler, that humans are resources that can be moved from food production, to work, to science. And that there's no problem caused by switching, AND that every person is equally good at these three things.

    Dang, what a weird game ...

  4. Of course, I'm also pretty sure that morale increases productivity, which is probably true.
