Sunday, April 24, 2016

Soylent: not bad.

Soylent: not bad.

Soylent with a touch of vanilla: better

Soylent with cocoa powder: Chalky.


  1. I've found the most luck with chocolate syrup and oregon chai mixes (separately).

    And I've not had the gas issues, though I've also not used it to replace all my meals, I use it a couple of times a week to repalce breakfast/lunch at work.

  2. Matt Johnson same. Did work over 2 dozen days straight, so soylent was all I ate except for dinner. Never did bother flavouring it myself. Didn't mind it plain at all.

  3. The gas / indigestion was so bad it was debilitating: I needed to stay home and do nothing.

    I'll try it again, and see if it happens. Then I'll try some soylent 2.0 and see if it still happens.

    Hopefully it won't. I'd like to use it to replace work lunches and a few other things.

    Anybody made it with coldbrew coffee?

  4. Did it... pass? (Badum!)
    No advice, didn't experience any noticeable increase in gas.  Out of curiosity, I regularly ate oatmeal porridge and rice, long before trying soylent, and I think oat flour and rice protein are soylent's biggest ingredients.  Wonder if that had any effect?  I do notice the "release notes" caution you about the gas and I've heard about it from other online sources as well.
