Wednesday, April 6, 2016

On Super hero movies:

On Super hero movies:

There is an ideal super hero movie I want, and it looks a lot more like The Force Awakens than SvB.

And, for that matter, a whole lot more like Supergirl than SvB.

What I get from TFA: Camaraderie, fairly clear morality, family drama. While I don't dig that Han tried to talk down his son, I get it. This is the end of his arc from han who shot first, to han who drops his guard because love. Still, love is the overwhelming force in Star Wars, and i adore that.

What I get from supergirl: powers I understand, but the plot is never about the powers. Its about the people.

Also, camaraderie, morality, and family drama. Also, freaks of the week. And, of course, a lot of the episodes are cut from the expected cloth -- there's a lose your powers episode, a learn about krytonite episode, etc. As time went on (I've through episode 14 or so), I identified with the bad guys more and more. That was fantastic -- villains with understandable motives.

So, what would I want from, say, a Superman movie?
Intro: 10 minutes. We don't need much of a backstory. He's the man of steel! He can fly, he's got laser eyes, and bullets bounce right off. Check! Show Supes fighting crime -- better yet, show Supes taking out corrupt slum lords and other ashsoles. Make him a warrior for the poor, for the masses.

Plot Thickens: 20 minutes: Lex Luthor! He's got a brain, and maybe he knows supes. His big brain means he's a real threat. But, again, he's got to have sympathetic motives. Building a kryptonite continent? Nah.

Slaving every phone on earth, so that he can control them and monitor people? Sure, that's kind of interesting.

Being at the top of a pyramid scheme, with millions of people following him? Becoming a threat to US security, but not quite breaking laws? Hey, that might be cool.

So, we've got Superman as the defender of the meek and Lex Luthor as the head of a cult of personality that threatens the livelihoods of the meek. And their freedom.

Reporting! Clark Kent and Lois Lane investigate a Lexcorp merger with ... WayneCo? Maybe! Lois knows Clark is supes, make them dating. Because dating is much cooler than being married -- it isn't stable.

Fight, Act 1: Supes and Lex do some fighting. Supes winds up running away, because he cannot take out Lex without also harming thousands or maybe millions of people. He goes to the Fortress of Solitude to think about it.

That's the first half hour to 45 minutes! Then, Supes and Lois discover how to defeat Lex. Whatever it is take a combination of his power and hers -- his raw brute strength is only so useful, bu you need her sluething ability. Focus on this, and on their chemistry, for at least 15 minutes.

Fight! 20 minutes. We're up to 80 minutes. Maybe tear down some buildings, but, honestly? Meh. I don't need reminders of 911.

Show us some resolution. Show me how the world is a better place because of Superman's actions. Show me how Lex either gets put in prison, or how he doesn't. Show me a change in Supermans relationship to Lois -- maybe they get engaged?

I'd watch the heck out of that. Does this appeal to anyone else?


  1. That sounds like a pretty good movie, to me.

  2. Think we should make it together, Arlene Medder ?

  3. Want to play Superman, Joe Zantek ?

  4. William Nichols
     You already have the outline, but I've never written a screenplay.

  5. I'm honored, but that role doesn't quite fit me. I'd love to play something, maybe Perry white? I dunno.

  6. That's a good version of Superman, it sounds.

  7. Robert Bohl You for superman?

    Arlene Medder I have also never written a script! Nor directed! I don't think this will actually happen, but we can think of it. Maybe you should be superman?

  8. (Because I don't see why superman has to be a man. That's too 1950s normative for me.)

  9. William, my coloring is right, and if you give me a few months I might be able to credibly play Clark Kent, but I don't know if I'm ever going to look good in spandex. And there's the hair and elderliness issues.

    But, sure!

    (Can we improv our dialog though?)

  10. Wait, why are a bunch of gaming nerds making a movie? Clearly, this is an RPG.

  11. We need a good wig, complete with s curl.

  12. In the late 80s, I had long, waist-length hair, like Superman did in the 90s. So if we time travel back, and cast me then, that might work.

  13. Robert Bohl I basically counted on your support, yeah. For this movie, I mean. I figured you'd be pro it.

  14. William Nichols
    It's been some time since I could pass for a guy, but give me a good muscle suit....

  15. Or just crossgender the character.

  16. To play into things:
    Arlene Medder You can totally play superman! Up to you if Superman is presenting as man or woman on Earth.
    Robert Bohl Actually, why don't we have you be Lex?
    Joe Zantek Perry White it is! What roll does ole' Perry play in this little drama? Or ... could I offer you the roll of Lois?

  17. Lex I could do with distressing ease.

  18. listen to those serial numbers get filed off!
