Sunday, January 24, 2016

If DCC was an AW hack, what would the GM moves look like?

If DCC was an AW hack, what would the GM moves look like?

I've heard about, and played in, some fun retro DCC games. I'm not sure I understand the genre, and I might if it was in my standard idiom.

Instead of "tell them the consequences and ask", would it be "Give them the consequences without asking"?

Instead of "Deal harm (as established)", would it be "Funnel them"

Tis an honest question.


  1. Keith Stetson, who is smart about DCC.

  2. seems to me dcc & aw are nearly at cross purposes. dcc's so old school and full of tables to roll on. aw loves the simple resolution. they're both great for story telling, but dcc, by default, careens off its tables, where you just make it up in aw. the other salient feature of dcc is its flava. but that you could certainly conjure up in any ruleset. just add weird 70s.

  3. Todd Sprang So, a move might be "Consult a table" ?

  4. Noah Stevens I love camp nerdly. Try to make Todd Sprang attend.

  5. Michael Harrel Does that have different GM moves, or is it all player facing?

  6. It's a bit of both! On the high end of things, it adds the following principles to standard Dungeon World: 
            -Savor the kindness and cruelty of fate
            -Strike fear into their hearts
    Beyond that, of the 32 page booklet the GM-facing bits start on page 17, with the following sections: Building a Village (p17), Filling a Funnel (p20), and Funnel Starters (p22).

  7. wow Michael Harrel talk about nailing it

  8. William Nichols yeah basically. "instill madness", "inflict punishment", "instigate chaos". (see table 192)

  9. Jason Lutes can probably lend some more insight?

  10. "Show the cold, cruel, and uncaring world."
    "Let them suffer for their mistakes."

  11. Are those moves, or principles, Keith Stetson ?

  12. Todd Sprang Neat. How do you do those?

  13. Principles, I suppose. Although moves could be derived from them.

  14. Cool. What would those moves and agenda maybe be, Keith Stetson ?
