Sunday, January 3, 2016



Epi's new gaming contest. I'm in it to win it this year!

First one of these for me, so I'll start at the Intermediate Level: In 2016, I will play 36 games, each with at least one person I have never played with.

I think this'll be easy for me, and that I wouldn't find the Advanced level fun. (Advanced level is 36 games, all with people you've never gamed with before.)

#3: Splendor on January 2, played with Joe.
#2: Between Two Cities on January 2, played with Elizabeth.
#1: Cat Scientists on January 2, played with a bunch of people.

Hooray for attending parties that extend my gaming circles!

Am I doing this right? Do I need names?

1 comment:

  1. I did as you did and posted a first name. I figured if I played with someone I knew on social media I would tag them but otherwise keep to first names.
