Thursday, December 17, 2015

My reaction towards anything even maybe about The Force Awakens is to scroll it off the screen, then let my brain...

My reaction towards anything even maybe about The Force Awakens is to scroll it off the screen, then let my brain decide if it was real or not.

Part of this is me: I am becoming hyper conscious of spoilers and how much I want an unspoiled experience.

Luckily, I will be offline most of tomorrow. And then with family.

This is very peculiar to notice, as even a week ago I would have claimed not to care.

Like, I just considered blocking Tim Franzke . Because I am crazy.

So, tomorrow, no G+ for me. Notifications only.


  1. I had a similar conversation with my roommate last night, because he HAS to know EVERYTHING about a movie before he goes to it...and I loathe spoilers.  Anyway, he kept bringing up Star Wars, and I kept replying with, "I don't know, because I don't care" until he pointed out, "If you don't care, why are you getting snippy?"  Ah-hah, I thought, that is a good point.  Darn it.  Best of luck to you!  :)

  2. Andrea G See, your roomate can choose to seek out spoilers. There are wikipedia articles, there are reviews, there are NPR stories waking me up with spoilers!!!!eleven!!!


    I say punch him next time he talks about it.

  3. William Nichols I'm pretty sure he has no sense of self-preservation, because it's almost come down to that a few times now, and he just keeps spouting spoilers...  And then as soon as he says something, he says, "Oh, that's right, you don't like spoilers!" like it's the biggest surprise...  Ugh, people without filters are the worst!

  4. Tim Franzke You're a good guy and said nothing wrong. I'm being slightly crazed.

  5. Andrea: Sounds like your roomate's a dick.

    William: I loved it so much, that's all I'll say.

  6. When I read "The Force Awakens", I just had the urge to scroll this post off the screen. ;)
