Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Dear Interwebs

Dear Interwebs,

Please convince me to go to Dearmation. I play a bunch of indie games and Larps. I've never been to New Jersey, and am slightly anxious about new crowds. A bunch of people I know go to Dreamation.

Get me past this hump, interwebs. You're my only hope.


  1. Dreamation isn't a convention.  Its like a big indie RPG scene family reunion at a hotel with catered events.

  2. Please come! I'd love to hang out with you and maybe play a game!

  3. On one hand, it's not far from you so it should be relatively easy to get out there.  On the other hand,  IT'S A TRAP!  Not the con, just New Jersey in general.

  4. It's true that you can get into NJ for free, but I'm aware of 2 ways to get out for free.

  5. We could probably give you a ride if driving in nj scares you....

  6. I go by train or by car you live near MD, right?

  7. A crowd at GenCon consists of hundreds of gamers pressing into and through the exhibitor hall.

    A crowd at Dreamation consists of six groups of 3-6 people each in the lobby.

    And you know a bunch of those people.

    And the ones you don't either love, follow, or soon will follow the Don't Be a Jerk community guidelines.

  8. No kids unless we have some crisis. You may have to come along on drop off depending on exact arrangements.

  9. If you can get to Baltimore you can ride with me.

  10. how much of a board game presence is there? If possible, as compared to Nerdly.

  11. Huge compared to Nerdly. There's a whole ballroom full of tables of people playing games, often overflow tables outside of it.

    I know because it's a huge part of the con that's useless to me :).

  12. I was pretty surprised when I stumbled by accident into the board game wing of the convention.  Its pretty far removed from the RPG section, but its big and had a decent number of games there.  I played a pretty epic game of Merchants & Marauders there last time.

  13. Phil Walton​ should have more insight to board game stuff there I think

  14. Dreamation is a lovely, and bustling with amazing opportunities to play without being big and scary.

  15. Huh. I can get rooms for $116, so long as they are paid in advance. Is that good, and would anyone be interested?

  16. The board game scene is always good.

  17. Andrew Medeiros​ was looking for a roomie.

  18. Does the board game room become a drop off for children and uninterested spouses?

  19. Not that I've seen. It's people actually interested in board games.

  20. Oh yeah, no... it's enthusiasts all the way down.

  21. yeah, my first few years i spent more time in the board game room than playing rpgs.  I tell myself every year that I'm gonna play some Arkham Horror, but every year cool rpgs are offered.

  22. My husband is coming! Yay! (He's a board game guy, although he wants to try Fiasco)
