Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Interesting: I took 94 Lyft rides in 2018, a total of 663 miles traveled.

Interesting: I took 94 Lyft rides in 2018, a total of 663 miles traveled. That's an average of ~7 miles per lyft. The longest Lyft was 26 miles. All Lyft miles are carbon neutral.

We don't have a car, and use Lyft to head over to anywhere not metro friendly. Looks like that happens roughly twice a week.

A lot of my rides I take one way, and then head back with a friend. Sometimes, I grab a carpool and make someone else drive me when otherwise would drive themselves. When this is friends, I try to find ways to recompense. When it is both of us, normally our rides are two ways. That 26 mile Lyft goes out to where some friends live, and likely includes a trip back as well.

So: If we estimate that this accounts for half the distance I'd spend in a car if we had a car, then that'd be 1,200 miles. Which is an insufficient number of miles to own an automobile.

So, good to know. Still probably the most sensible option, unless something strange happens.

1 comment:

  1. Not yet added in: Zipcar. I realized Lyft is essentially the intra-city travel, and I've ignored the inter-city travel.
