Tuesday, January 1, 2019

For 2019, I want to:

For 2019, I want to:
- Play more games in person
- Read more
- Get That Asshole out of the White House

The first is straightforward, and is already starting. I've started up a Friday Night Boardgames crew, and a Dungeon Crawl. The Dungeon Crawl looks in danger of failure, so I may need to solve that.

The second is being solved through a Kindle. If the last few days are an indication of things to come, I'll go from a couple of dozen books to fifty without difficulty. Additionally, I'll reread the same books less often due as there will always be more books I can get ahold of.

The last is the hardest. I'm not sure how to help with that. I'll continue to donate money to WoC running for office, which seems to've helped in the midterms. There's marches and such, but I have no idea how effective, if at all, those are.

1 comment:

  1. Things which could help but which are probably very hard to do right:

    - Education. Make sure as many people as possible know the effect that their vote could have. Comparisons with other countries, countering disinformation, telling people how to avoid getting their vote taken away from them. All of this needs condensed down to meme level so that people read & share it.

    - Facebook. Build a fake potential swing voter account. Build a few. Then try and get illegal Russian disinformation adds in your feed. This would mean that one real person isn't getting that piece of bullshit, it also means you can screen grab it and add it to the painfully small pile of evidence of election tampering.
