Monday, November 5, 2018

Things I dislike: changing the clocks for no reason.


  1. Me too.

    I'm not even aware of an argument for changing the clocks that applies to the modern world. The closest I've heard to anl argument is that it would require effort to change to a system where we don't change the clocks, and that's a shit reason to keep doing it.

  2. And we’re all zombies today...and worse during the spring adjustment.

  3. Because I work remotely, I've had to deal with two clock changes on opposite sides of the Atlantic in the past week. Try that for disorienting!

  4. William Nichols No worries, the only casualties were a missed standup or two!

  5. Yup, at this point it's basically "Inertia".

  6. My neck hurts. My eyes are angry. I'm all discombobulated. I didn't work out this morning. It's a whole shit show.

    I hate it.

  7. Heh. I guess one of the benefits of having a variable sleep schedule in general is that the change in an hour didn't really do anything to me. I am aware that it happened, but I am no more or less tired than usual.

  8. Hear hear! I hate the time change mostly because it is so pointless.
