Thursday, November 1, 2018

POSITION: People who, in open office environments, do not turn off the laptop's speakers while surfing loud-ass...

POSITION: People who, in open office environments, do not turn off the laptop's speakers while surfing loud-ass websites, who YELL, or who talk at length to people who obviously need quiet should be fired.

Discuss. PLEASE disagree, I'd like to see why we should keep this asshole.


  1. Searching for possible disagreement points ... I would probably be skeptical of firing a deaf co-worker for not being able to adequately moderate his speaking volume.

    I'm quite conscious that that's a quibble, but there it is: The behavior I think you're objecting to is "Doing all this out of a lack of consideration", but your brush is just barely broad enough to catch some people who do it due to a lack of capacity.

  2. People who engage in disruptive behaviors at work should be asked to change those behaviors. People who can’t or won’t change disruptive behaviors should be moved to a position where those behaviors aren’t disruptive, or fired.

  3. I am reluctant to agree to any sort of 0 tolerance policy on principle. However, I do think that if someone is willfully ignoring conventions and being disruptive they should be subject to censure and eventually dismissal if they are causing issues in the workplace.

  4. Definitely on the speaker thing.

    I tend to be a little more lenient on the loud speech thing, as someone whose voice carries even when I'm trying to speak softly, but there is a difference between that and yelling.

  5. I would note that some of the people I know who talk way too loud do so because of hearing damage issues... so you might want to check that some of this isn't accidental.

  6. The company should, and most do, provide headsets. There's no excuse for speakers. If you're loud, and disrupt someone else's workflow, that's impacting productivity. I have a voice that carries, like for miles. I can call ships in out of the fog. I'm very careful of my volume.
