Tuesday, July 21, 2015

I am amused immensely by the Ashley Madison hack.

I am amused immensely by the Ashley Madison hack.

Not because I'm against cheating. Not for any moral reason at all, really. I'm not judging the people on the site, and this probably results in a worse world.

But, what amuses me is the folks there amalgamated blackmail material and thought it'd be fine. That is, the site basically collects blackmail material on its users -- that's the whole model.

And who'd sign up for that? That's why I am amused -- the ridiculous lack of awareness that must go in to giving a stranger blackmail material.

Schadenfreude. I've been laughing about it for days.


  1. From my understanding it's common mindset among habitual cheaters to believe that they will never get caught no matter how obvious their behavior is.  While I try to stay open minded, from my understanding, Ashley Madison has a tendency to attract the worst sorts of infidelity, the dishonest, hurtful, betrayals, as opposed to anything well communicated with partners like couples within the separation process or open relationships.  Pretty much skeez all around.

  2. David Rothfeder Yeah, that's my basic understanding, too. 
    Which makes my Schadenfreude all the less guilty.

  3. "Schadenfreude: Making the world a better place to be .... "
