Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Dreamation t-minus 1 day.

Dreamation t-minus 1 day.


I am really surprised that there are more seats left in Markets and Mages than Solar Wind and Sale.

While this is probably just noise, maybe it means something more:
-- Pirates are cooler than adventurers.
-- Personnel Management is cooler than personal finances.
-- My own passion is evident. Solar Wind is a more recent project, and I've got more forks dedicated to it. As an aside, are forks a thing? I think I heard Mo use it, and I'm pretty sure it is an extension of the spoon metaphor for those with enough spoons.

I'm signed up for so many ridiculously cool games. About half are because of a cool game, and the rest are to hang with friends I see once a year.

I've tentatively scheduled a sick day for Monday. I think last year I needed two, and was a wreck for a week.

I don't have that luxury this year. Things are happening in the office, and I need to be around for them.


  1. I have used forks. :)

    Forks may only be a thing for me, but you're welcome to use it.

  2. Does it mean what I think it means?

    That is: "I've got enough forks for that" implies I can do that without threatening my spoons. That's how I parsed it, is that how you meant it?

  3. Nope, I meant it meaning that I don't have energy or capacity for it while trying to not be distrespectful to those who need the spoons metaphor...

    And a little bit probably (cause me) in denial that the sooons metaphor actually legitimately applies to me sometimes.

  4. I mean, sometimes the spoon metaphor makes sense for me, too. I think that is largely because I do not have very advanced strategies for dealing with pain.

    I mean, there was a time when I couldn't get up. But, again, I think a lot of that is that I have been lucky enough not to need to practice.

    Anyway, I guess you didn't mean forks in the way I'd hoped. I'm hoping to find a metaphor for having energy / juice / excitement to spend on projects, as I'd rather not use the spoon metaphor when in just tired or have condrop or whatever.

  5. A realization: My setting, the Convocation of Malqort, suffers from toxic masculinity. Because I think everything is a hierarchy. Which is bullshit, so I am thinking about how to fix that. But its haaard for me.
