Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Caliphate of Azithan, or Convocation of Malqort ...

Caliphate of Azithan, or Convocation of Malqort ...

Sends out camps to establish a beach head and spread civilization.

These are 500 souls. What professions need to be included?

Of the 500, ~100 are Lifeless, 30 are ghosts, and 10 are horses. You're left with 360 living, breathing people.

The lifeless do most unskilled labor, meaning these 360 can be well trained and specialized.

What I've got so far: priests, wizards, lifeless caretakers
, mechanics, carpenters, blacksmiths, engineers, farmers, hunter, fishers, soldiers, military officers, horse riders, horse caretakers, sailors, crafters, scribe, doctor / nurse, cooks, personal assistants

What else would you want in a small group, able to live off the land for an indefinite people and act as a seed of civilization?

What skills and abilities are missing from this fantasy setup?


  1. merchants/diplomats. It's very likely that the hunting/fishing/farming skills you brought aren't suitable for this land/climate/..., you'll need to be prepared to trade for food and supplies, and you'll need to make local friends so you can learn the ways of the land.

    Also, you'll be vastly outnumbered by the locals, so friends are always good.

    Also, remember that in this time period, you're going to be using almost all of your population on food production. Also think about water.

    In misc job land: glassblowers, miners, millers, potters, tanners, washers, weavers, undertakers.

  2. How did I forget merchants and diplomats?

    Most of the rest are crafters of one sort or another. If I tried to list them all, is never finish.

    Farming is muuuuuuch less of a thing people do in this setting, due to the use of lifeless to farm and clean and carry and fight.
