Thursday, March 12, 2015

In memorial: I will miss Terry.

In memorial: I will miss Terry.

And dammit, Alzheimer's is a bastard.

I've always kept a Discworld novel in reserve for when something bad happens.  Those books have gotten me through the worst times ever.

A couple of years ago, we attended the North American Disc World convention in Baltimore. Which, Sir Terry was only able to attend via teleconference -- because he had to write, not because he was sick.

The notion of humans as where the rising ape meets the falling angel -- of a being stuck between two worlds -- from Hogfather, really stuck with me. As did the idea that we have to believe the little lies before we can believe in the big ones -- you know, Truth, Duty, and Mercy.

Terry taught me something very important: Things don't have to exist materially to matter. To mean something. To change lives, and to affect the world.

And Terry will continue to matter.


  1. We knew it was coming, but that doesn't mean I won't cry.

  2. I found a novel of his: The bromeliad trilogy. Original copyright 1989. Due to this, my lunch involved a lot of deep, sincere laughter. Thank you, Sir Terry, for easing even this.
