Friday, October 17, 2014

Today, I took some time and attempted to convince an MRA that threatening to kill someone is, you know, bad.

Today, I took some time and attempted to convince an MRA that threatening to kill someone is, you know, bad. That publishing an address and a call to action for horrible things is, ya know, intimidation tactics that makes it perfectly rational to run.

I did not succeed. I didn't really expect to.


  1. How do you differentiate between idle and real threats? Where do you draw the line? Is that line the same for you as it is for your children or loved ones?

  2. So I take it you feel that stalking should be decriminalized?

  3. No, that's how I read that last statement. Care to expand?

  4. The police are notoriously bad at determining threat levels.  They shoot uncounted unarmed people because they fear for their lives, but they also do not take any threats seriously that do not affect them. Tl:dr Cops are lazy cowards.

  5. Not involved, but: the plural of anecdote is not data, and the singular of anecdote is definitely not evidence.

  6. No.

    Making threats of violence is cowardly and bullying, regardless. Don't try to hide behind "idle".

    Would you make such threats in person?

    To do so is no way to conduct yourself in a civil society, and merely indicates that you are unable to discuss any point you had. Threats are not discussion, debate or argument.

  7. And with that, I'll have to tell my wedding party that I hate them.

  8. If, Rob, you are seriously suggesting that all of those threats were made by the targets of the threats, we have nothing further to discuss.

    If, however, you think some were not, then I believe that should be sufficient to call time on anything but the unacceptable behavior of those making threats.

  9. "Don't react, and people won't fuck with you." is a lie bullies tell victims, to make sure the victim internalizes the harm. These women speaking out about violence, that is and was happening to them, does not cause the violence. Asshole bullies cause the violence. You are just uncomfortable since you have to hear about it now.

  10. "Obviously, these threats should not be happening"

    It is clearly not obvious to anyone issuing those threats. You and I are responsible for making what is obvious to us apparent to all. You are not doing that, yet.

  11. You use this word I do not think it means what you think it means: "The World Health Organization defines violence as "the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation,"

  12. Rob Peg I'm going to have to ask you to clean up your last post, as there's a word I can't have be there. You've got an hour until I delete the post. You know the word.

  13. You seem to only be able to read the first clause, of a long and complicated sentence. Here,  I've made it easy for you: "threatened or actual, results in  psychological harm"

  14. And with this last particular bit of derailment, I'll do something I should have done days ago: Close to comments,  block a troll, and delete some comments.

    Nothing to see here, folks.
