Friday, September 5, 2014

You know what's exhausting? Crutches.

You know what's exhausting? Crutches.

You know what's worse? Pushups.


  1. For those following along at home, I dislocated my knee on Tuesday. Now I'm on crutches and not doing pushups.

  2. ...yikes? (thanks google+ for sending me a "post you might have missed" email, since I'm not a google plus-er!) Sorry to hear you're hurt - hope you and Dianne are doing well otherwise, we haven't talked to you in too long! Also, definitely agree that pushups suck, though I can't say I'd rather have a dislocated knee. At least pushups get me strong, while a dislocated knee gets me ...uh... sympathy... wait, that's not so bad...Anyway, get better soon!
