Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Internet: In DW terms, I have a debility. It is a pretty minor one -- a dislocated knee that is fast on the mend.

Internet: In DW terms, I have a debility. It is a pretty minor one -- a dislocated knee that is fast on the mend.

And it certainly feels like a hell of a lot more than a simple -- 1 on 2d6. (anyone who doesn't know apocalypse world: 10+ for a full success, 7-9 for success at a cost, and on a 6-, something horrible happens.)

Gamers - I figure walking around is normally an always success. I can hit the grocery, the starbucks, the library or the bookstore without much fuss. Normally. Now, those things are denied. It is a struggle to get to the nearest of those, and the furthest away is now accessible only by mass transit.

So, is there a system that models physical injury in a more ... truthful ... fashion. Where being stabbed hurts for weeks if not months, and you need PT. Where pain causes anxiety and makes you easily tired.

Or ... am i going to have to hack this game from component bits around the internet?


  1. Usagi Yojimbo, if I understand it correctly. Arnold Cassell ?

  2. Sanguine's Autumn Moon edition of UY does have prolonged injuries, because it's a game with no magical heal potions. You need medical care if you are ever going to have any hope of recovering from a serious injury, for sure. There is an alternate table in the back for critical injuries that have permanent effects.

    It doesn't address anything psychological.

    However, their other game, Albedo, you can take Stress damage from trying to move while injured, even minor ones if the situation is right, or Stress from Fear or Trauma, which are just as debilitating as any Wounds you may have.

    These guys are "close"... but I'm not sure. There's gotta be something more targeted towards what you are looking for; I just don't know what it is.

  3. I haven't played DW, but in AW I know the -1 to a stat from a debility is for the rest of your life.  Also I think neither game is designed for realistic depictions of a fight but instead seek to highlight badassery.  Still I don't know of any system I feel has a good grasp of attributing the effect severe pain has on a person's capability of performing even mundane tasks.

  4. David Rothfeder Right, clearly I am not as badass as a gunlugger, or the bard. That's definitely true, and I'd like to see a game where we can model how much it sucks.

    Arnold Cassell Tell me more about Autumn Moon and Albeda. The Stress damage for moving sounds good, would it be an easy hack to apply this to all actions?
